Last weekend we were fortunate enough to go with some great friends of ours to Mt. Mitchell and stay for the weekend in their father's mountain house! It was a wonderful mini vacation and we all had a wonderful time. Saturday turned out to be a gorgeous day. The kids (all 6 of them) played outside from sun up to sun down. There was a big open field out front with as small pond and to the left of the house was a trail. We decided to take kids hiking up the mountain, each carrying our own walking stick because it was a little steep at times. Eric decided to go "off roading" and led us all to the wonderful water! We climbed on all the rocks and took tons of pictures. When the day come to an end, and all the kids were asleep, the girls did facials while the guys played ping pong and fooze-ball. Then we all came together and played the wonderful game of Monopoly (oh! and I won!! heheheeh).
Enjoy the slide show!
One of Tyler's many birthday gifts was a Spiderman kite from his good friend Ty. Tyler loves flying kites eversince he saw Papa fly his kite at the beach in Florida. He was really looking forward to flying his kite with Daddy, so we waited for a windy afternoon and took the kite to a big open field near a school. Tyler had a blast running here and there and everywhere :) Then a sad thing happened... the wind came too strong and the string broke and there goes the kite into a bundle of prikley bushes over a fence! Bye bye kite. Guess we'll have to get a new one!