Monday, March 26, 2007

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Monday, March 26, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Bobcat's Game
Friday, March 16, 2007
Charleston Trip!
Last week was my Spring break and I wanted to do something special. So, I called up my mom's best friend (my 2nd mom) and asked her if we could come for a visit. They live in Charleston right near the beach, so it was perfect. The weather was beautiful too! On Saturday we got up early and Howard, her husband, dropped us off at one end of the bridge met us at the other side. For those of you who haven't been recently, there's a new bridge that takes you from downtown to Mt. Pleasant. It's about 2 miles long and a lot of people walk and run across it. I can't wait to run it next year. Tyler did great, for the most part. He started to get a little tired towards the end, but once we told him we were going to the beach next, he got really excited.
When we finally crossed, the sun was shinning bright and the weather was perfect. It was a little windy, but that's just what we needed to fly Tyler's kite! Tyler LOVES the beach, he would bring it home with him if he could. He also loves animals. Howard and Robin have a dog and a cat and Tyler got to feed them and walk the dog each day, he loved it!
It was a wonderful weekend full of fun and leisure! We can't wait to go back again, if they'll let us of course ;)
Enjoy the slide show!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Friday, March 16, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Charleston
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
It's definately official everyone! We are expecting our 2nd child!!! I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow and the due date is August 23rd. I went to the Doctor today, did the usual check-up (weigh myself, pee, check blood pressure, and my favorite- hear the baby's heart beat!) Everything looks and sounds great. It's been a wonderful day, I'm feeling great and just so gosh darn happy! The Doctor said we can come back in 2 weeks for an ultrasound to find out if we're having another boy or a little girl! HOORAY :)
At my 11 week check up, we had our first ultrasound to see the baby and hear the heartbeat. Tyler came with us and was SO excited! He wanted the baby to come out then, but the nurse told him that the baby was only about the size of his pointer finger. So, when Tyler got to school that day he was showing everyone the picture of his baby and pointing his finger saying "my baby's only this big."
Tyler loves to talk to the baby and rub my belly. The other day he asked me where the baby's mouth was so he can give the baby a kiss... oh he's so sweet.
We're so excited and just wanted to spread the news to everyone!!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, March 07, 2007 4 comments
Labels: Mick Baby # 2