Also, we need to change our url address. Our current one, doesn't include a "c" for Caiden :( Anybody have any COOL ideas for a new name???
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Also, we need to change our url address. Our current one, doesn't include a "c" for Caiden :( Anybody have any COOL ideas for a new name???
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Thursday, August 30, 2007 1 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
On Monday Eric took Tyler to the Carolina Raptor Center. They got to see several large birds of prey including owls, hawks, and 5 bald eagles. Most of the birds there are injured and are taken to the center to be treated and then released if possible.
Afterwards, they went to the lake and Tyler threw rocks in the water and then went to the Equestrian Center to pet the horses. Tyler said his favorite part was petting the horses!

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Tuesday, August 28, 2007 0 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Saturday, August 25, 2007 0 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Sunday, August 19, 2007 2 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Can you guess Caiden's arrive and weight?
At my baby shower in June everyone had to write down when they think Caiden is going to be born and how much he's going to weigh. Out of the 14 people who filled it out, 11 people are still in the running (for due date)!
Here's what everyone's guesses are:
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Thursday, August 16, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Doctor Appointment today: 38 weeks
I had my 38 week check up today and have been looking forward to it because I get "checked" today. When the doctor came in he asked how I was feeling and seemed suprised (in a good way) when I said I was still feeling great and "full of smiles"being so close to the due date! My dad always told me that when someone asks you how you're doing you always say "great and getting better!" I've always followed that advise and I love it! I love being happy and I love people knowing that I'm happy. So, if something ever is really really wrong, you'd know it because that would be wat too hard for me to hide behind a smile.
Anyway, about the appointment... I'm still weighing the same, his heartrate is in great range... although it seemed a little quicker today... he's a very active little fella! I'm only dialated 1cm and the Doc said this might be a "due date" baby. He has my due date as August 26th based on my last mentral cycle but when I had my first ultrasound, the nurse said the baby was measuring 3 days earlier, which would be the 23rd, but since it's so close to 26, the Doc kept it at that. But really, Caiden can come whenever he wants. Tyler was about 9 days early.. So, until then, I'm going to continue going to the gym and try and "walk 'em out" (LOL). Wish me luck!! We all are SO excited about little Caiden coming!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, August 15, 2007 0 comments
Labels: 38 weeks preggers
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Interesting read...
Each week I get an update from telling me about what my baby is doing, how/what I should be feeling, etc. It's pretty cool information and I look forward to getting them each week. This is was it said in the pregnancy x-files:
Tuesday is the most popular day for babies in the U.S. to be born, with 13,000 births on average in 2003. There are about 16 percent more babies born on Tuesday than on any other day of the week. Saturday is the slowest day with an average of about 7,500 births (this is partially due to the fact that doctors don't schedule c-sections and inductions on weekends).
Yes, and today IS Tuesday..... so cross your fingers!
BUT, for some reason I think little Caiden is comfy-cozy in my belly and might be a little stubborn and stay in there until the weather cools down a bit....
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Tuesday, August 14, 2007 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Looking back...
I can't believe we're about to have a new baby in just a couple weeks!!! This is SO exciting! The room's ready, my bag is packed.. all I need are for the contractions to start! I've been so baby crazy lately and the other day I pulled out Tyler's baby photos and decided to make a little collage. It's amazing how much he's grown over the past 4 years.
Here's some of my favorite pictures over the years of our wonderful son, Tyler!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Sunday, August 12, 2007 2 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Friday, August 10, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
There are 14 days until my due date on August 23, 2007.
I am 266 days pregnant.
I am 8.7 months pregnant.
I am in my 9th month of pregnancy
My 2nd trimester: February 15, 2007 to May 30, 2007. (13 - 27 weeks)
My 3rd trimester: May 31, 2007 to August 23, 2007. (28 - 40 weeks)
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, August 08, 2007 0 comments
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Kenny Chesney Concert!
On Thursday we went to the Kenny concert and had a blast. His concerts are so good that I had to stand practically the whole time because every song he played I wanted to sing-a-long too. Speaking of singing-a-long, I recorded a couple videos on my camera of us singing..... can I catch a tune please!? Oh my! I thought going to concerts meant you can sing as loud as you can and as bad as you can and know one can hear you....well, that's NOT my case! WOW.. :) but, we had a wonderful time as always and I'm looking forward to his new CD coming out soon!

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Sunday, August 05, 2007 0 comments
Friday, August 03, 2007
Panther's Training Camp
On Wednesday we drove to Spartenburg, SC to watch the Carolina Panthers practice. Their camp is at Wofford College where Eric graduated from and I attended for one year. Tyler was SO excited to go see all the players. He wore his Peppers jersey and we bought him a hat while we were there. Unfortunatly we weren't able to get any autographs this time, but we took LOTS of pictures!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Friday, August 03, 2007 0 comments