Saturday, July 19, 2008
J is for...

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Saturday, July 19, 2008 0 comments
The weekend after we got back from Orlando, we went with some friends, Brandon and Carrie to Myrtle Beach! It was such a great time! The weather was wonderful too which made it even better! The days were spent reading the front porch in the morning, riding the golf carts to the pool and boogie boarding on the ocean waves. Eric even won an all-day pass to ride the "worlds largest inflatable slide" from placing 1st in a ping-pong tournament. Tyler had a blast sliding down it over and over and OVER again! AND I finished my new favorite book My Sister's Keeper (if you haven't read it I TOTALLY recommend it!)
Caiden sure loves the beach, as opposed to Tyler when he was Caiden's age! Tyler hated the sand on his feet (he still does, but he just deals with it a little better). We came back Sunday night a little sad that are summer vacations are now over for the year and happy for the exciting things that are up and coming. Such as, Caiden's 1st Birthday, Eric starts his new job with Bizjournals and Tyler starting Kindergarten!!
Thanks Brandon and Carrie for a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Saturday, July 19, 2008 0 comments
Is that a snake hole?
Nope, it's a Cicada Killer Wasp burrow! I thought this was so fascinating I had to post some pictures about it!!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Saturday, July 19, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Collin Gregg Sykes!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Tuesday, July 15, 2008 0 comments

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Tuesday, July 15, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
For vacation this summer we went to Orlando, Florida! Dave (Eric's dad) has a Timeshare there so we were able to stay in his condo at Summer Bay Resorts and booooyyy was it nice! (Thanks Dave!) We each had our own room and each building had it's own pool. There was also a "mini" kiddie water park there and a lake where you could rent jet skies, and jump on water trampolines! We were there for about a week and had a blast. We had a lot of family for both sides there also so we were able to spend time with everyone which was really nice. Eric, Caiden and I left Saturday morning (Tyler was already in Florida spending a week with Mimi and Papa) and drove to Jacksonville, Florida. We got there around 11 AM and checked in our hotel and then headed to the beach!! Caiden got to ride his very first Ferry across the water! (I can't believe it cost $5 for such a short trip!) This was also Caiden's "first" trip to the beach (I say "first" because it's actually his 2nd.. he went when he was about 8 weeks old but didn't really do much..)
YAY SAND! "I just want to pick it up in my hand and throw it so it gets ALL in my hair!)
Our beautiful niece, Bella. It was so wonderful to get to spend some more time with her! I just we could see each other more often. It's crazy to think that just next year her and Caiden will be running around playing together!

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Thursday, July 10, 2008 0 comments