Friday, November 10, 2006

Today's such a beautiful day! I can't believe it's 80 degrees in November! Tyler and I have the weekend to ourselves while Eric and his friends are all going camping. You should of seen how happy and excited he was to be going. He's been looking forward to this trip for a while now. Tyler and I took the day off from work/school to hang out together. Before Eric left today we all played outside in all the leaves. Tyler wanted to "push mommy in." They definately succeeded and I left trails of leaves throughout the house! I can't believe how many leaves are in our back yard! After Eric left, Ty and I met Morgan for lunch (Panara Bread, YUM!) and now he's napping. I promised him we'd go see some of his friends when he woke up, so he's looking forward to that :) Now what am I supposed to do in this quite house! Maybe I'll go lay out outside and get a tan! Ha! A tan in November, what do you think Morgan ;)


msykes7 said...

I think the tan idea sounds great... to bad it dropped to about 3 degrees today! Have a good night and get some rest.