Summer of fun at Carowinds! We got season passes this summer so we can go whenever we want to! We've gone twice so far and are going to try to go again tomorrow if the weather behaves! Tyler LOVES it. We usually spend most of the day at Boomerang Bay (Water Park) then later ride some rides. Tyler rode his very first roller coaster and loved it. Unfortuately I couldn't ride with him because of the bun in the oven, but I took videos and pictures. He rode with his hands in the air and had a smile on his face! When he got off he said "whooh, I almost got sick" and still wanted to go back on again!
My cousins met us there another day. They're visiting Nana all the way from Texas and Louisiana. It was so wonderful seeing them; man they've grown up so fast! It's hard being far away from family, but it sure is nice when we can all be together any chance we get.

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