and work.....
Monday was Tyler's first full day back to pre-school and my first day back to work. Sunday night I was all prepared for a GREAT first day on Monday.... at least I thought... Tyler was great, he even helped me out in the morning.. It was the little guy that threw me off "schedule" Who was I to think a "schedule" existed with an infant!??
The begining started off okay, Caiden slept for 7 hours that night (eventhough he woke up at 430) and I nursed him and brought him in our bed. I woke up around 6 to shower, get ready, etc. Everyone was still asleep until about 7. Caiden's been a little congested lately (poor guy) and there's really nothing I can do. I think I might need to get a humidifier... Any way, so he woke up and I put him in his swing so I can start getting Tyler ready. Tyler's like me in the morning; he wants breakfast right away! So I made him some cheesy grits. Still, everything is going to be "okay." What I was really concerned about was Caiden's next feeding. I work at 9 and want him to eat before I get there, so that would mean he'd need to eat around 745-8 AM. He was starting to get a little fussy so I tried to feed him. He was very squirmy, but managed to eat for about 10 minutes on one side. When he latched off to burp not only burped, but spit up ALL over him AND me.... it looked like it was all the milk he drank! So I had to change him of course, and time was running out for me to get to work early... if he wasn't going to eat now, I had to pump. After I changed him, he wouldn't stop crying.... I'd put him in the bouncy chair.. cry.. I put him in the swing.. cry... so I held him, bouncing him on my knee while I tried to pump a bottle. Tyler, of course, was sitting quietly finishing his grits and Eric had already left for work. After I finished pumping I scrambled to get the diaper bag, my lunch, Tyler's jacket and we were out the door by 830! (Yes, I still had spit up on my leg but I was going to work at a daycare so it was bound to happen there if not home!) Every morning I call my mom to chat and wish her a happy day, but as soon as I heard her sweet voice ask me how I was, that was it... tears started flowing... I don't know what it is about me, but I swear I can cry on the spot! Once I told her about my morning and got it all out, I was okay! When I got to work and dropped the boys off in there class everything turned around for the better and we all had a great day. Tyler and his classmates made a "spice cake" that day and it made the center smell super yummy! Tuesday and Wednesday were much better in case you were wondering :) I must of had the bad case of "Mondays"....

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