Eric and I said "I DO"

100 Reasons why I love my husband (in no particular order)
1. Because he is awesome
2. He's funny
3. He's smart
4. He love's me
5. He takes care of me
6. listen's to me
7. repeats what he said after I ask "what?"
8. he's HOT
9. he has gorgeous eyes (and I'm not the first to say that... ask John)
10. he can fix anything
11. he can figure anything out
12. he's determined
13. he's a hard worker
14. loves the outdoors
15. loves to go camping
16. can chop firewood
17. can start a fire
18. can lay down hard wood floors all by himself
19. can patch up a ceiling after put his foot threw it
20. give good massages (eventhough I laugh because it tickles my feet)
21. never argues
22. turns the light off in the bedroom even when I'm the last one to get into bed
23. he lays his cloths neatly over the chair when he gets home from work (hey, they could be in a pile on the floor)
24. he's sarastic
25. gets along with just about anyone
26. has a wonderful personality
27. he calls me baby
28. drives first on road trips because he knows the first thing I do as soon as we hit the highway... SLEEP
29. eats whatever I cook for dinner
30. never complains about dinner.. even when the chicken I grilled is dried he doesn't dip it in water... (LOL)
31. cooks dinner for me on special occasions
32. is a WONDERFUL Father
33. did I say he's a wonderful father? I'm saying it again!
34. likes to wrestle "fight" with Tyler on our bed
35. very protective
36. rocks the baby to sleep at night "sleeper hold"
37. loves concerts
38. loves to sing LOUD at concerts (not louder than me though!)
39. loves Kenny Chesney (our song is "Me and You")
40. our first concert was Kenny Chesney in Greenville 7 years ago...
41. he can add better than me (what? who's the Math major??)
42. he lets me buy his clothes (or else he WON'T)
43. he lets me have the remote...... ;)
44. doesn't compain (much) when I leave the cap off the toothpaste
45. he works long hours and still comes home in a good mood
46. loves his job (cross your fingers for the new one!!!)
47. lets me go shopping (oh yeah.... did I tell you how much I spent on those new shoes?... heheh
48. drinks wine
49. takes great care of our family
50. loves his mom
51. buys me flowers just because
52. buys me cards because he knows how much a card means to me :)
53. understands me
54. helps out with the kids
55. Takes Tyler to school in the morning so he can sleep in
56. does all the yard work
57. I love that he chose to go to Wofford College (that's where we met)
59. he loves dogs (we have our first dog, Buck)
60. loves to play games, cards, poker
61. organized
62. good with money
63. he's my best friend
64. we get along so well
65. he loves the beach
66. he's taking me back to Hawaii for our 5 year anniversary
67. I love his smile
68. He has what you call a "dentist's dream mouth" ... it's perfect and drives me crazy!
69. he has NO cavities
70. he has EVERY SINGLE tooth, including his wisdom teeth
71. and he has never had braces
72. no, I'm not jealous.. he's just that amazing
73. I love the way he looks at me
74. I love the way he holds me
75. gets along with my family really well
76. likes what I like
77. he'll sit and watch a chick flick with me... didnt you say how much you LOVED "The Notebook"
78. laughs at all my jokes
79. I laugh at all his jokes
80. makes me breakfast in bed for Mothers Day
81. takes Buck to the park to run around
82. taught Tyler how to ride his bike when he was 4
83. gave me two wonderful, beautiful boys
84. takes me out to dinner on our Anniversary (which is TODAY)
85. knows a lot about sports
86. played football in college
87. has nice calves
88. has a cute butt
89. likes my butt
90. always knows how to make me smile
91. has soft hands
92. has soft feet (eventhough they are always cold and sweaty!)
93. gives good hugs
94. cries at sad movies
95. strong
96. talented
97. selfless
98. never gives up
99. he's him
100. I love you Eric more than words can say! I could go on and on with this list, but my fingers are starting to hurt and I need to get ready for our date tonight!!
Happy Anniversary101. I couldn't forget.. he's a great kisser too!