We have been wanting to go camping ALL year and we FINALLY got to go! It's been too cold at night for the baby so we had to wait until it got just a little bit warmer. The weather was just about perfect last weekend when we finally went. Talking about perfect.. our campground Eric found was awesome! We were literally right next to the lake (check out the pictures below!). It was our first time camping there at Andrew Jackson State Park. It was not only a nice campsite, but very close to our house too! We had to choose one close by because Morgan's baby shower was on Saturday afternoon and I could NOT miss that!! We left Friday after Eric got home from work and met the Musso's there. Once we got there and put our tents up we relaxed by the campfire! The kids and dogs had a blast by the lake. As soon as we let Buck off of his leash guess where he went? Yep, straight in the LAKE for a swim. He even tried to chase the ducks.. it was kinda funny... The kids mostly played on the edge of the water since we really weren't supposed to swim in it. They had fun... doing what kids to best.. getting dirty! Jen and I had to give them quite a few "baths" all weekend! It was well worth it because by the end of the second day there the kids where so exhausted and past out shortly after they got there pjs on!
This was also Caiden's very 1st camping trip and he did SO well especially finding out he had a DOUBLE ear infections earlier that day(poor baby....) Yes, I was so glad I took him to see the doctor BEFORE we left. He had been congested all week and I could hear a little wheezing i his chest. I remembered the doctor telling me at his 9 MONTH well-visit just a couple weeks ago that he had fluid in his ears but no infection and to watch out for cold symptoms. And sure enough, the cold symptoms came and so did the ear infections! I got his medicine right away and we were finally ready to go camping! The doc prescribed Omnicef since it doesn't have to be refridgereted sice we were going camping! So great!Caiden really loves the outdoors (what child doesn't right?). I just wish his was a little more mobile because it's hard for him to "scoot" on the the dirt. We had a kiddie tent we set up with lots of toys inside for him to play it but he someone managed to get out of it EVERY time! He did so well though and we can't wait to go again! Right now it's a little TOO hot...

Caiden and me playing by the lake

taking the kids on a little hike through the trails right next to our site!

Eric working hard chopping wood for the fire!

oh so comfy in the hammick

Buck and Taz playing fetch in the lake!

Ty Musso and Tyler having TOO much fun! Guess who had to clean them? Good 'ol Moms!

John cooking some dinner by the campfire.... Yummy London Broil..

Some of our greatest of friends, The Mussos :)

Water never tasted and felt so good!!

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