I know I already did a blog for the letter K, but I thought this letter deserved another one!!
Ladies and Gentlemen we have a KINDERGARTNER in the house!!! And yes, I did tear up when he got on the bus this morning and I'm tearing up again now! I didn't actually see him get on the bus this morning because he wanted Eric to walk him... when I saw the pictures Eric took and the HUGE smile on Tyler's face, that's when it hit me, and Eric too, that our son's really growing up....
Last night Tyler was so excited to get to bed so he could go to "big boy school" in the morning. He helped me make his lunch- turkey sandwich with lettuce (or "salad" as Tyler would say), carrots, grapes and some goldfish- all packed inside his Incredible Hulk lunch box, got out his outfit and had his book bag ready by the door (thanks Mimi and Papa for the Batman Book bag!)
The morning was really stress free. I got up at my regular time (4:57 AM- yes, those 3 minutes make a difference.. just ask Eric!) and Eric got Tyler up around 5:40 with no problem. He got dressed right away and went and sat in the living room to eat his bowl of cheese grits I made him. Every time I make them he asks me if they are "yummy grits" so I'm assuming he means the ones with cheese, or I hope anyway!
Tyler rushed me to take the picture and as soon as I finished he said "now let's go!"
After he was done and brushed his teeth and let me spike his hair, it was about time to head to the bus stop (just at the end of the street which is nice!) It was raining, and had been ALL night, so Eric walked him down with an umbrella (we offered Tyler to ride and sit in the truck and wait, but he really wanted to walk. I waited anxiously in the house trying to look down the street to see if I could see anything, but the trees where in my way. Eric took the camera so I could see Tyler get on the bus.
After Tyler left, Eric, Caiden and I headed to his school to meet him there to make sure he knew where to go, etc. We were originally going to take him, but he insisted that he rode the bus! When he saw us at the school already he comes up and says "Why did you guys come here?" I kinda brushed that comment aside and gave him a big hug and kiss and wished him a great day. We said our goodbyes and headed back to work.
Our Tyler is such a big boy and it becoming more independent everyday. We are so proud of you Tyler!!!!! Mommy and Daddy love you very very much!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
K is for Kindergarten!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, August 27, 2008 0 comments
A great day for the park!
Sunday was such a gorgeous day we decided to take the boys and Buck to the park to play and have a picnic... LOL.. a day of "P's".. get it.. Play.. Park... Picnic.. I crack myself up sometimes!
Anyway, so we went to the park after Caiden woke up from his nap and stopped by Harris Teeter to get our free sub! (when you buy a sub there you get points, once you get 15 you can get a free one- just a little FYI)
As we walked across, Buck just liked jumping in and out of the water!
We made it all the way across the creek walking on this huge tree that had fallen across it!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, August 27, 2008 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
When Eric came home Friday he had 2 tickets to the Panther's game for Saturday! They weren't for just any seat....we got to sit in the Luxe Suite!! It was pretty awesome.. we had a great view of the game and plenty of food and drinks! I got to meet a lot of people Eric works with and they were all so great! That was definitely the
way to watch a game!!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Monday, August 25, 2008 0 comments
Caiden and Tyler Collage!
Caiden- Birth to 1 year
Tyler- Birth to about 4.5 years :)
**I LOVE making these collages on Picasa (a google app.) however, when you try and print them, it crops some of the pictures off...
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Monday, August 25, 2008 1 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Kenny Chesney!
Another year, another concert with our FAVORITE performer of ALL TIME- KENNY CHESNEY!!! We look forward to this concert more than any other concert all summer long. We know EVERY song by heart and it's always a BLAST!!!! Can't wait until next year!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Sunday, August 24, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Caiden Joseph!

Dear Caiden,
I can't believe you are already 1! You are growing up too fast! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. You fascinate us everyday with your new discoveries and abilities. We love you so much and are so happy we brought you into this world. You have an awesome big brother Tyler who can't wait for you to get a couple years older so you guys can wrestle, or in his works "fight"... but in a fun way :)
Caiden, I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, the way you call everything "Buh", yet I swear you know the difference, even when it all sounds the same... for instance:
Buck (our dog)- "Buh"
Brother- "Buh"
any dog- "Buh"
Bottle- this one is better because you say "bah-bah"
Ball- "buh"
Book- "booh"
I love it when you crawl over to Buck's water bowl with a huge grin on your face as I look at you and say "no-no" and giggle when you repeat me and say "nah-nah".. I know, I know.. he's not going to learn, but he's just too cute!
Caiden had a great first birthday party! We had a great turn out Saturday afternoon as we celebrated with a cookout and yummy cake. My parents came up from Florida , my sister and Dustin came from Alabama, Papaw, Aunt Becky and Nana came from SC, along with some of our friends here in Charlotte! Thank you everyone for coming and for the great gifts! Caiden loved all his toys; the cell phone, car keys, he especially loved his new car (thanks Mike, Ashley and Kylie!) and his push toy (thanks Mimi and Papa).. hopefully he'll be taking his first steps soon!
I love that you MUST eat your yogurt by yourself- licking the bowl and everything until it's ALL GONE and having your face covered in it!
I love how you are always in a good mood
Caiden, I just love you so very very much!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, August 20, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
K is for Kids
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Sunday, August 17, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Great friends and birthdays!
Last night we went out to Howl at the Moon for another birthday celebration (Happy Birthday Josh and Mike) and had an awesome time! "'Legend...wait for it.. and I hope you're not lactose intolerant- dary!' -quote from Barney on How I Met Your Mother"
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Sunday, August 10, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Summer Concerts...
Last Saturday while Tammy and Evonne were still in town we went to the Journey, Heart, and Cheap Trick concert with John and Jenn and it was definitely one of our FAVORITES (next to Kenny Chesney of course!) We got there early to tailgate (like we always do) but we were a little worried because we saw some storm clouds forming and it was getting really windy...BUT it only rained for like 5 minutes and out came the sunshine and we were able to enjoy the concert rain free! When we first got tickets we weren't sure how many songs we knew...boy were we wrong! We knew TONS of songs and I decided that Kenny, Journey and Keith Urban are my all time favorite to see in concert! Kenny Chesney 2 week count down!!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Saturday, August 09, 2008 0 comments
Friday, August 08, 2008
Full House
It's been a crazy, fun couple of weeks with a lot going on so I haven't gotten the chance to post some pictures UNTIL NOW! Yep, I gotta a few minutes to spare on this lovely Friday night before the Summer Olympics come on!
About 2 weeks ago my sister decided to drive up (from Alabama-her new home) for a week! Her college friend/teammate, Erin, flew in also and we drove to Columbia to play in a grass volleyball tournament (The Columbia Crown) all day Saturday. We stayed at our Nana's house and she cooked us a delicious dinner! (Thanks Nana!) We played "AA" at the tournament and even though we only won 1 game, we had lots of fun and most of the games we did play, we played really well and the scores where really close! This was also Kate's first time playing volleyball since her accident and I must say, she's still got it!! She did awesome and it was so much fun! Kate, Tammy and I played in that same tournament about 8 years ago, and my Dad, Uncle Robbie and I played in it when I was 14, so it was really cool to get to go back and see some familiar faces.
Later that week I had a couple other friends from Florida come up to visit, Tammy and Evo. At one point the girls out numbered the boys in the house! We had lots of fun together going to concerts, hiking up Crowder's Mountain, going out on the town, playing sand volleyball, karaoke, Zumba, ... it was a BLAST! Evonne decided to move up here too and was able to find an apartment near us which is awesome!
I'm going to post a few pictures for you all to see! And a slide show later because we took TONS!
We all went out to Cantina Fifteen Eleven for Erin (Clark's) birthday and sang Kareoke afterwards
Me and Tammy before we head out on the town
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Friday, August 08, 2008 0 comments