Happy 1st Birthday Caiden Joseph!

Dear Caiden,
I can't believe you are already 1! You are growing up too fast! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. You fascinate us everyday with your new discoveries and abilities. We love you so much and are so happy we brought you into this world. You have an awesome big brother Tyler who can't wait for you to get a couple years older so you guys can wrestle, or in his works "fight"... but in a fun way :)
Caiden, I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, the way you call everything "Buh", yet I swear you know the difference, even when it all sounds the same... for instance:
Buck (our dog)- "Buh"
Brother- "Buh"
any dog- "Buh"
Bottle- this one is better because you say "bah-bah"
Ball- "buh"
Book- "booh"
I love it when you crawl over to Buck's water bowl with a huge grin on your face as I look at you and say "no-no" and giggle when you repeat me and say "nah-nah".. I know, I know.. he's not going to learn, but he's just too cute!
Caiden had a great first birthday party! We had a great turn out Saturday afternoon as we celebrated with a cookout and yummy cake. My parents came up from Florida , my sister and Dustin came from Alabama, Papaw, Aunt Becky and Nana came from SC, along with some of our friends here in Charlotte! Thank you everyone for coming and for the great gifts! Caiden loved all his toys; the cell phone, car keys, he especially loved his new car (thanks Mike, Ashley and Kylie!) and his push toy (thanks Mimi and Papa).. hopefully he'll be taking his first steps soon!
I love that you MUST eat your yogurt by yourself- licking the bowl and everything until it's ALL GONE and having your face covered in it!
I love how you are always in a good mood
Caiden, I just love you so very very much!
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