Hey hey! It's a lovely Thursday morning and I'm feeling great! The baby's moving around like crazy and it's such an amazing feeling. Sometimes I get the giggles because he won't stop and it starts to tickle :)
Since I've been feeling so great lately Morgan and I have been meeting at the gym at 5:45am to take a class (called Group Power) and it sure is refreshing... after I come home and shower of course! Then, I have to whole rest of the day to look forward too. I LOVE Thursdays and I'm not really sure why.... I still have class, but I'm done around 315 then I head to Tyler's school to pick him up early and the two of us can hang out together until daddy gets home. And Friday's are even better because I don't work, nor have school! Yippie!
I'm SO excited school's coming to an end... FOR GOOD! That's right, I only have 2 more weeks left and then finals until I GRADUATE!
Well I better pack my bag and head to school before I'm late and can't find a parking spot.
Here's a couple picks of my in my 5th month of pregnancy!!
I'm about 20 weeks here:

you look great Erin! I can't believe you are getting to the gym before 6 am to lift weights and you're 5 months pregnant. You're my hero.
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