What happened in April??
April was a really great month... Spring Break, beach, family in town, Easter egg hunts, etc! We had a great time with it all.
Let's see, where should I start off?? After we found out we were having another boy (YAY!!) we left for Sunset Beach that weekend with the Sykes and my family that was in town from Florida! It turned out to be a perfect sunny weekend at the beach. The house we stayed in had everything from bikes, sand toys to Nintendo (hadn't played that in 4-EVER). We'd stay at the beach all day an only come back for lunch and potty breaks (the water was too cold LOL!). The boys had fun running in the water, building sand castles and playing Frisbee. The adults enjoyed the competitive game of paddle ball with a court and boundaries and everything. At night we'd stay up late playing cards, poker and just mess around chatting and such. It was such a great time and we were so lucky to have wonderful friends to allow us to vacation with them.
Here's some pictures we took.... I'm still missing the one's from my mom's camera.....
Cool Slideshows |
Tyler goes to college....
Yep, I took him to school with my one day and we had a great time! He packed his book bag with coloring books, paper, crayons, snacks and so forth and he was all set to go! He did great in the first class, just sat their quietly coloring and eating his fruit cup. When that class finished he asked me, "Mommy, do they take naps at your school?" He was happy when I said no, because he's not a napper.... then he asked, "Do they play games at your school?" He was in luck, because the next class was Child Psychology and I had told the professor that he was coming with me so she could prepare so questions to ask him in class. We were learning about Gender Development at the time. One of the questions she asked Ty was, "Who plays with you?" and Tyler said, "Mommy" , "What games do you play together?" Ty said, "baseball". "And who cooks dinner" Ty- "Mommy and Daddy" .."Daddy cooks chicken and mommy cooks salad" .... I thought that was soooo cute. He did so well and wasn't shy at all. She's ask him questions throughout the lecture and he was right on! I was so proud of him. After about 45 minutes or so he was ready to go get some lunch. On the way home Tyler said he wanted to come back to school with me because he had lots of fun..... I wish school was fun :) Atleaset I'm ALMOST done! Yay!!

Walking to class....
Next came Easter weekend. We painted eggs, made cookies, went to an Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday and Ty got LOTs of candy... it was funny because all he wanted was the plastic eggs and I kept saying "go for the chocolate... mommy wants some chocolate :) " Then he looked over at the next field and saw lollipops, so he crawled under the rope and started picking up those... too cute! On Sunday we went to Church with Morgan, Justin, and Peyton and I was a nice service. Then we came home and relaxed the rest of the day :)
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