Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin Patch!

Posted by Chapter Chicks at Friday, October 31, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Tyler
Friday, October 24, 2008
Weekend Getaway!
Last weekend we went to Cincinnati to visit Eric's family and we had a wonderful time! It was also Eric's 10 year High School Reunion as well as my 26th Birthday! We left really really early Friday morning and arrived around 1PM that afternoon. Both the boys and Buck did very well in the car for such a long drive!! We were definitely impressed! Also on the trip Caiden finally decided to take more than 10 steps at a time.. we can now say he's walking.. and really mean it!! It's SO exciting to see his face when he does it.. he has this huge grin on his face as his arms stick out like Frankenstein.... I'll post a video so you can see for yourself!

Our lastest family photo! Kay took some REALLY good ones with her camera.. better quality.. I'll post some once she sends me a CD :)

On the way there we stopped a few times to let the dog out and for the boys to play some. A rest stop in West Virginia had some beautiful trees and fall colored leaves.. so so pretty

We LOVE the Cincinnati Skyline.. my favorite view is at night though

This is Caiden and me after running Saturday morning around the neighborhood. It was SO cold out, but beautiful at the same time!

Caiden is JUST adorable...

Ty man is as handsome as they come!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Friday, October 24, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Camping in the Fall!
We loved Morrow Mountain so much that we decided to go camping there again; Only this time the Sykes Family and Evonne joined us!! We got there Friday night (just us) and set up everything in the dark! The boys fell asleep in the car on the way there so once everything was ready, we put the boys in the tent and Eric and I relaxed and had some wine and played a good 'ol game of Dominoes (oh, and I WON!!). Saturday morning we went hiking for almost 3 hours! I couldn't believe how great Tyler did walking that long, but he did it! Speaking of WALKING.. we got a little clip of Caiden!! Once we got back to our site, we had lunch and waited for everyone else to join us! We grilled out by the fire and roasted some yummy s'mores! Sunday was another beautiful day, we hiked some more! It was hard leaving Sunday afternoon.. the weather had been perfect and we all knew we had to be back at work Monday :(
Another family photo.. Mo says I need to do something different with my hair.. I look the same.. LOL :)
We are looking forward to camping again in November!!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Tuesday, October 14, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Mosaic of me!
Thanks Jen and Erin! What a neat idea.. I just had to make one too!!
The Rules: you answer the following 12 questions about yourself (my answers are in parentheses after each question):
01. What is your first name? (Erin)
02. What is your favorite food? (fruit salad)
03. What high school did you attend? (Countryside High School- CHS)
04. What is your favorite color? (purple)
05. Who is your celebrity crush? (Ashton Kusher)
06. Favorite drink? (sweet tea)
07. Dream vacation? (Hawaii)
08. Favorite dessert? ( ice cream)
09. What do you want to be when you grow up? (math teacher)
10. What do you love most in life? (the people in it)
11. One word to describe you? (happy)
12. Your Flickr name? (emick)
Want to play?: Type your answer to each of the above questions into Flikr's search. Using only the images that appear on the first page, choose your favorite and copy and paste each of the URL’s into the Mosaic Maker (3 columns, 4 rows)... Enjoy!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Sunday, October 12, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Happy Birthday Nana!
Happy Birthday Nana!
On Saturday we drove to Columbia, SC to spend the day with my Nana (Gi-Gi) for her birthday! She's 70 years old and beautiful! My parents and brother drove up from Florida, along with my Aunt and Uncle and Kate came over from Alabama. We hung out and my Aunt Becky's house, went to lunch, did a little shopping. We even had time to visit with Papaw at his house before we went out to dinner. I think the restaurant was called Sumo.... where they cook the food in front of you. After dinner we sang a little kareoke then Eric drove us home so we could get up early Sunday morning to tailgate at the Panther's game! It was a short visit, but a wonderful one!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Wednesday, October 08, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, October 02, 2008
I decided that today was the day for Caiden to get his very first haircut. I took him to this cute little kiddie salon called "Pigtails and Crewcuts" in the Cotswold Shopping Center near the house and was very happy with it. The chairs the kids could choose to sit it were fire trucks, an airplane, and a race car. They even had a kids movie playing, along with games, candy, ribbons, nail polish.. it was just so gosh darn cute!! I just HAD to get his hair cut there... but for the record, it will be the last because never again will I pay $22 for a BABY hair cut!! But it sure was worth it for his first, plus the lady gave me a souvenir of some of his curls!
Clean cut- AFTER
Caiden did SO great getting his hair cut for the first time. He didn't cry (or smile).. he just sat
there... making a funny face everytime the hairdresser squirted him with water (I think I would too!)
The finishing touch... what a handsome little MAN!!
Posted by Chapter Chicks at Thursday, October 02, 2008 0 comments