Tyler had his first field trip for Kindergarden last week to the Pumpkin Patch! I got to volunteer and had a wonderful time! Caiden tagged along because I wanted him to pick out a pumpkin as well at Tyler! Tyler's class had the most parent volunteers so we each had a small group of kids to look after and Tyler, of course, was in my group and we decided to give us a name. They each shouted out a name and we finally agreed on the Yankee-Tigers! LOL.. funny, but it sure worked! All I had to say was "Where are my Yankees?" and they all came running too me in excitement! They kept asking everyone else what their group was called, but I think we were the only ones with a name :)
We went to this farm here in Charlotte and rode on a hay-ride, fed the goats and lambs, and even watched them milk a cow. The children also listened to one of the farmers about corn and how much of it is used in the different foods we eat. One thing I learned that was interesting was the difference between brown eggs and white eggs in that there IS NO difference. The color of the egg is determined by the color if the inside of the chicken's ear... white gives white eggs and brown-brown eggs! Cool!!

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