Last weekend we went to Cincinnati to visit Eric's family and we had a wonderful time! It was also Eric's 10 year High School Reunion as well as my 26th Birthday! We left really really early Friday morning and arrived around 1PM that afternoon. Both the boys and Buck did very well in the car for such a long drive!! We were definitely impressed! Also on the trip Caiden finally decided to take more than 10 steps at a time.. we can now say he's walking.. and really mean it!! It's SO exciting to see his face when he does it.. he has this huge grin on his face as his arms stick out like Frankenstein.... I'll post a video so you can see for yourself!

Our lastest family photo! Kay took some REALLY good ones with her camera.. better quality.. I'll post some once she sends me a CD :)

On the way there we stopped a few times to let the dog out and for the boys to play some. A rest stop in West Virginia had some beautiful trees and fall colored leaves.. so so pretty

We LOVE the Cincinnati Skyline.. my favorite view is at night though

This is Caiden and me after running Saturday morning around the neighborhood. It was SO cold out, but beautiful at the same time!

Caiden is JUST adorable...

Ty man is as handsome as they come!
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